The TCU Stadium Renovation is Complete!
After several months on an accelerated schedule, the TCU Stadium was completed for the first game of the season! Our crews worked feverishly to complete over 40,000 square feet of exterior walkways on the Founder’s Plaza and around the stadium to the visitor’s entrance. The Founder’s Plaza features statues of the donors who made the renovations possible, all set in a “street map” of Fort Worth, featuring nearby streets, railroad tracks and even the Trinity River, using several different products and systems. The Founder’s Plaza was completed using the following finishes: Sandscape, Seeded Aggregate (all granites from the San Saba area), Bomanite Con-Color Stain & Sandblast. For the Trinity River, we used a custom-made stamp and embedded purple rope lights for a stunning visual at night. We also embedded 71 stainless steel letters to call out Fort Worth street names, as well as solar lights throughout. The visitor’s entrance features a 40-foot wide TCU logo encapsulated by a circle.